Chessboard consists of 64 squares (8x8)
The horizontal (rows) are called ranks and vertical (columns) are called files
Ranks are numbered (1-8) and files are alphabetized (a-h)
White team always starts the game
Chess Board Setup
Bottom right corner square has to always be light color (if not need to rotate board)
The kings crown is more fancy than the queens crown
Queen is always on the square that matches her color
Pieces Movement
King: One square in any direction (Box)
Queen: Any direction (in straight line)
Rook: Move along rank and files (no diagonal)
Bishop: Moves along diagonals (always on same color as starting square)
Knight: 3 steps in L-shape. Can jump over pieces. On jump changes square color
Pawn: 1 step forward (1st move can move 2 steps). Cannot go back
Spawn pieces can only capture diagonally (forward)
Check & Checkmate
The king can never be captured it can only be checked (next move would capture)
King cannot put itself in check (move to square that would result in check - Illegal)
Ways to prevent Check - CPR: Capture, Protect, Run away
Checkmate: Cannot escape from checked state (i.e. cant use CPR)