Windows Exploitation
- Enumeration
- Active Directory
- Post Exploitation
Miscellaneous Points
After gaining access to the system we can manually enumerate the system or use tools like WinPEAS and Windows Exploit Suggester to enumerate the system for vulnerabilities than can be exploited to elevate our privileges
Disable Execution Policy : powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
about Execution Policies - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
UACMe is an tool that can be used to get Elevated Privileges on Windows System
The user need to be part of the Local Administrators Group
UAC setting should be at set to default or lower
GitHub - hfiref0x/UACME: Defeating Windows User Account Control
Windows saves the password using NTLM hash
Passwords are saved in SAM database (Windows)
In Active Directory passwords are saved in the NDTS database
krbgt : Active Directory Kerberos account used for ticket generation
Allows to gain access to Windows system using password & password hash
GitHub - Hackplayers/evil-winrm: The ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting