Data Exfiltration

Unauthorized transfer of data from a computer
Selling it on dark web, Identity Theft, Leveraging data for competitive advantage

Financial Gain

Ransomware Attack, Trojans


Attacker obtains sensitive or compromising information about an individual
Threatens to release the information to the public unless certain demands are met

Service Disruption

DDoS attack to overwhelm a network, service or server with excessive amounts of traffic

Philosophical or Political Beliefs

Use hacking to promote a political agenda, social change or to protest against unethical organizations

Ethical Reasons

Hackers motivated with the desire to improve security


An employee who is disgruntled might want to harm their current or former employer by causing a data breach, disrupting services or leaking sensitive information

Disruption or Chaos

These threat actors engage in malicious activities for the thrill of it, to challenge their skills, or simply to cause harm


Involves spying on individuals, organizations or nations to gather classified information

Cyber Warfare

Using cyberattacks an tool to attack nations both on and off the battlefield