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Setup Metasploit Database
The PostgreSQL DB is used to make module searches faster and for storing the results from scans
Metasploit can be used without starting the DB as well
Use “db_status” to check the status of the DB
Types of Modules
- Exploits: Code that takes advantage of Vulnerability
- Payloads: Code that runs remotely (Reverse Shell, Meterpreter)
- Auxiliary: Modules used for port scanning, fuzzing, sniffing etc. (Enumeration)
- NOPS: Helps to keep the payload size same across exploits (used for Buffer Overflow)
- POST: Post Exploitation Actions (Clearing Tracks, Keyloggers)
- Encoders: Ensure the payload is delivered intact (Evade Security)
Location of Modules : /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/