Default Scan

Scan top 1000 ports on all IP Addresses Same as -sT Scan (TCP Full Scan)

nmap <ip-address>

Ping Scan (Host Discovery)

Check whether an host is up (Host Discovery)
Makes use of ICMP packets which could be filtered by Firewalls

nmap -sn <ip-address>

The results returned by Ping Sweep is not very accurate. Active devices are sometimes not detected

No Ping Scan

Host is assumed to be online (No Host Discovery)
Top 1000 ports is scanned
Useful if ICMP packets are filtered

nmap -Pn <ip-address>

OS Detection & Service Versioning Scan

Noisy scans can be easily detected by firewalls and IDS

nmap -O <ip-address>
nmap -O -sV <ip-address>
# Aggressive
# OS Detection, Service Versioning, Script Scanning & Traceroute
nmap -A <ip-address>

TCP Connect (Full Open) Scan

Slower than SYN Scan. Can be easily detected
3-Way Handshake is performed with the target before reset packet is sent

nmap -sT <ip-address>

Stealth Scan (SYN Scan)

Fast scan and can evade firewall detection
Only half 3-Way Handshake is performed and then immediately reset

nmap -sS <ip-address>

SYN-ACK Response: Open
RST Response: Closed
Unreachable: Filtered

UDP Scan

If the port is closed the service will respond using an ICMP (ping) packet
UDP scan is significantly slower than TCP scans
UDP is a connection-less protocol so it does not send back ACK packets
Nmap has to wait for a long period before making the decision it port is open

nmap -sU <ip-address>

No Response: Port Open or Filtered
Unreachable: Port Closed or Filtered

Output Scan Results

-oN: Human readable Output
-oX: XML Output
-oG: Greapable Output
-oA: All Format

nmap -sS <ip-address> -oN <filename>
nmap -sS -v <ip-address> -oA <filename>

Inverse TCP Flag Scanning

FIN Scan: Sets just the TCP FIN bit
XMAS Scan: Sets the FIN, PSH, and URG flags
NULL Scan: Does not set any bits (TCP flag header is 0)

nmap -sX <ip-address> # XMAS Scan
nmap -sF <ip-address> # FIN Scan
nmap -sN <ip-address> # NULL Scan

No Response: Open/ Filtered
RST Response: Closed
Unreachable: Filtered

Windows & Cisco - Network Stack
The Network stack on these servers do not know how to respond
RST packet is sent for malformed packet even if port is open These scans are extremely stealthy

Does not support these scans