df_mysql = spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sqoopdb")
	.option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
	.option("dbtable", "emp")
	.option("user", "hiveuser").option("password", "hivepassword")
order_itemdf = spark.read.format("jdbc").option("url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/retail?useSSL=false")
	.option("driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
	.option("dbtable", "order_items")
	.option("lowerBound", "1000").option("upperBound", "10000")
	.option("numPartitions", "5").option("partitionColumn","order_item_id")
	.option("user", "hiveuser").option("password", "hivepassword")

UpperBound: Max value used for selecting stride (Max value of partitionColumn in DB)
LowerBound: Min value used for selecting stride (Min value of partitionColumn in DB)
numPartitions: Decides the number of partitions create. It also is the number of parallel connects that are going to be made to the Database

partitionColumn: Integer, Timestamp column to be used to partitioning data
Partition Stride: It is the min amount of data that is at least going to be present in each of the partitions.
Stride = (UpperBound - LowerBound) / numPartitions

JDBC in Spark SQL – Beginner’s Hadoop


  • .option("dbtable", "(select * from policy where plan ='childplan') as policy") : Filter data from DB
  • In place of “dbtable” option “query” can be used but then partitioning of data is not supported