
Questions the fundamental meaning and nature of existence
Suggests that life lacks inherent meaning or significance
Challenges traditional believes: morality and nature of reality

Nihilism can also be a mode of liberation is it frees us from the constraints of traditional values and believes. This inspires a more authentic mode of existence

Moral Nihilism

Rejects the existence of moral truths (good & evil - human constructs)
No universal run governing what is right and wrong
Ethical judgments are subjective or culturally determined

Existential Nihilism

Delves into the ultimate meaning of human existence (life) and the universe
Life is devoid of any intrinsic meaning and trying to find meaning is futile
This outlook can make you sad and depressed


Acknowledges the lack of meaning in the universe and suggests to accept the absurdity of the human condition
They also believe that humans can find meaning and fulfillment by embarrassing life’s uncertainty
Accept the absurdness with courage and defiance rather than succumbing to despair and nihilism


Proposes that the best action is the one that maximizes happiness or wellbeing for the greatest number of people
Focuses on the outcome of actions and consequences instead of inherent principles or rules
Utility: Happiness, Pleasure or absence of suffering

Act Utilitarianism

Each action is evaluated based on its consequence and choose the one that leads to the greatest overall utility

Rule Utilitarianism

Moral rules or principles should be followed based on which would lead to the greatest overall utility when consistently applied


Believe in objective reality, reason and individualism
Facts are facts irrespective of a persons beliefs or wish’s
Rational thinking, logic and evidence and important tools of guiding human action
Self-interest is not inherently selfish or immoral but rather a national expression of human nature
Emphasis individualism over collectivism


All events (including human action) is determined by causes external to the will
Every event and action takes place according to a chain of event that is determined by the preceding causes and conditions and governed by natural laws
Challenges the notion of free will

Casual Determinism

Every event is necessitated by preceding events and laws
Human behavior is determined by generics and neurochemistry

Psychological Determinism

Humans actions are determined by psychological factors - unconscious drive, conditioning

Environmental Determinism

Human behavior is shaped by culture, society and living environment


Emphasis on sensory experience and observations as primary knowledge of the world
Sensory experience services as the foundation for acquiring information about the external world
Empiricism is closely linked with the scientific method of thinking


Reason and rationality is placed at the primary means of attaining knowledge and understanding reality
States that certain truths can be gained independently without the need of sensory experience


Focuses on individuals freedom and experiences in a seemingly absurd world
Believe that individuals have the freedom to create their own meaning and identity
Authenticity: Living as ones true self, values and believes rather than confining to societal expectations and norms


Encourages virtues: Courage, Wisdom, Moderation and Justice
Accept the natural order of nature and understand what is in their control and what is not
Encourages to live in the present moment and letting go of worries about the past and future