find / -type f -name "file.txt"
# Files that have SUID bit set and are owned by root
find / -perm -4000 -user -4000 2> /dev/null
# Find Symlinks
find /path/to/directory -type l ! -exec test -e {} \; -print

-mmin -10: Files modified less than 10 mins ago
-mmin + 1 -mmin -5: Files modified more than 1 min ago and less than 5 mins ago
-mtime +20: More than 20 days
-amin -atime: Accessed Time
-cmin -ctime: Modified Time

-size +5M: Files greater than 5 MBs
k: Kilobytes
G: Gigabytes

-empty : Find empty files

-perm 777: Have permission 777
-perm -755: Have at least 755 permission

-maxdepth 1: Scan only one level deep

-mount: Don’t search other FS (Prevents searching Windows paths from WSL)

-path /path -prune: Skip directory (Needs to be before -name) linux - How do I exclude a directory when using `find`? - Stack Overflow

-exec rm -rf {} +: Execute command (rm -rf file1; rm -rf file2;)
-exec rm -rf {} \;: Execute command (rm -rf file1 file2)

Find Exec Command in Linux: 9 Useful Examples