User ID
UID 0: Root User
UIDs 1-99: Special System Users
UID 100-999: Dynamic allocated system users
UID 1000-9999: Used for User accounts
UID 10000-65534: Remote Users
UID 65534: nobody (Special user with no privileges)
Add/ Delete User
adduser <username>
deluser <username>
usermod -l <new-user-name> <old-user-name> # Change User Login Name
usermod -d <username> <home-directory> # Create Home Directory
usermod -s <username> <new-shell> # Change user shell
The files that are going to be added into the home directory for a newly created user is decided by the /etc/skel
is an high level binary that makes the process of adding user of the system simpler- On systems where
is not presentuseradd
can be used- This command requires as to manually all the compenents that need to be created for the user
Add/ Delete Group
groupadd <group-name>
groupdel <group-name>
usermod -aG <group-name> <username> # Add User to Group
usermod -g <group-name> <username> # Change Group
gpasswd -d <username> <groupname> # Remove user from a group
cat /etc/groups # File with Group Information
User Password
passwd <username>
chage -l <username> # View Password Information
Sudoers File
Specifies the rules that need to be satisfied by the user when using sudo command
Open Sudoers File: sudo visudo
(Best Practice)
User Host = (Runas) Command
Read this as “User may run Command as the Runas user on Host”
This means “any user in the adm group on any host may run any command as any user without a password”
If (ALL : ALL) is used it means the command can be run as any user with further ALL group level privilege as well
Group Names Prefixed : %
UIDs Prefixed : #
GIDs Prefixed : %#
Understanding sudoers(5) syntax
What is the proper sudoers syntax to add a user? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange