App (Package) Information

Get-AppxPackage > AppDetails.txt

Starting “Store App” from CMD

Change Owner

This command can be used to access folders owned by TrustedInstaller
To use the command the user has to have “Take Ownership” permission

# Change Owner to current user
takeown /f "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /r
# Change Owner to a different user
icacls "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps" /setowner "DOM\user" /t /l

To change ownership using GUI: Right-click Folder → Properties → Security → Advanced

Use the Change button beside the Owner
Enter the name of the user and click on Check Name

View Permissions

icacls: Identity Control Access Control List(s)

icacls "C:\Users"
FFull Control
RXRead & Execute

By default the permissions are inherited by the children objects

IInheritancePermission received from parent
OIObject InheritanceFile will inherit permissions
CIContainer InheritanceFolder will inherit permissions
icacls C:\foo /grant "DOM\user:(OI)(CI)(F)"
icacls C:\foo /grant "DOM\user:(OI)(CI)(R,WO)"

/remove can be used to remove permission

icacls | Microsoft Learn