public class MovieController : Controller
// GET: Movies/Random
public ActionResult Random()
var movie = new Movie() { Name = "Shrek!" };
return View(movie);
// return new EmptyResult();
is the base class for all types of results that can be returned from an Controller
does not have an helper class
Redirects do not support POST Verb so data can only be sent in the URL
public class MovieController : Controller
// GET: Movies/Random
public ActionResult Random()
var movie = new Movie() { Name = "Shrek!" };
// Controller Name, Action Name
return new RedirectToRouteResult("Index", "Home", new {
name = "David", age = 1
Action Arguments
If an Action Method takes an parameter then MVC framework looks for request data with the same parameter
This parameter can be in the URL, Query String or Embedded in request from Form
To make parameter optional we should mark them as Nullable
public ActionResult Index(int? pageIndex, string? sortBy)
if (!pageIndex.HasValue)
pageIndex = 1;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sortBy))
sortBy = "Name";
return Content($"pageIndex={pageIndex}&sortBy={sortBy}");
Attribute Routing
Attribute Routing allows us to specify an Custom Route for an Action
Routing Constrains With Attribute Routing in MVC 5.0
[Route("Movies/Released/{year}/{month:regex(\\d{2}):range(1, 12)}")]
public ActionResult ByReleaseDate(int year, int month)
return Content($"{year}/{month}");