They are used to implement user defined datatypes
Structs can be used to return multiple values from an function

Structs can be initialized similar to array using {100, "David", 8.6}
Structs are values type variables

Elements in a struct as accessed using the dot operator
Arrow operator allows to access elements inside struct using the address of struct

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
struct student
    int roll;
    float cga;
    char name[100];
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
    struct student s1 = {21, 8.4, "David"};
    struct student *s1ptr = &s1;
    struct student s2;
    s2.roll = 56;
    s2.cga = 9.0;
    strcpy(, "John");
    printf("%s\n", (*s1ptr).name);
    printf("%s\n", s1ptr->name);
    return 0;

Typedef is used to assign an alias to an datatype

typedef struct employee {
	int age;
	char name[100];
} emp;
int main()
	emp e1;
	e1.age = 24;
	return 0;