Grid container : Element with display set to grid
Grid Items : Direct children of grid container
Height of items are by default based on the content inside the item
The largest items height becomes the height of all items on a row
When working with grids enable the Grid Layout overlay option in browser Dev Tools (In Elements tab select Grid Label on the parent container)
Container Properties
grid-template-columns : Define no. and size of each column
Fractional Unit (fr) is commonly used it specifies the % of total space to use
Px, Rem, % will cause grid-items to overflow if total size greater than parents
repeat(3, 1fr) : Three columns of same size
gap : Shorthand for row-gap and column-gap
Define margin around the items
grid-auto-rows : Define height of grid-items
Can use fixed values but will cause content of items to overflow
mimax(300px, auto) : Allows to specify the min and max height for the items
grid-template-row : Define the size for columns
Similar to grid-template-columns. Fractional units are preferred
align-items : Align items vertically (Similar to Flexbox)
Default values is stretch
justify-content : Align items horizontally (Similar to Flexbox)
Item Properties
align-self : Align items horizontally independent of other items
justify-self : Align items vertically independent of the other items
grid-column : 1/ 3 (Span element from line 1 to line 3 horizontally)
Shorthand for grid-column-start and grid-column-end
grid-row : 2 / 4 (Span elements vertically)
Shorthand for grid-row-start and grid-row-end
Responsive Layout
Media Queries that change the grid-template-columns to have fewer columns
grid-template-columns : repeat(auto-fit, minmax(min(200px, 100%), 1fr))
If size of columns is smaller than 200px wrap grid-items by reducing columns
If more than 200px of empty space available wrap grid-items by increasing columns
The min function is used to prevent overflow and very small screen sizes
Grid Template Area
"header header header"
"nav content sidebar"
"nav footer footer";
Specify the layout of the components using names
On the grid-items use grid-area property to set it names to the name specified in grid-template-areas
All the other grid properties can still be used when using template areas