e.target : Event that caused the event
e.currentTarget : Element listening for the event (Element with event listener)

Event Listeners

element.addEventListener('animationend', (e) => {
}, {once : true});

The {once : true} option can be used to remove an event listener as soon as its done executing

Input : Perform action even there is an change to the input
Animationend : Perform action on end of animation
Transactionend : Perform action at the end of a transaction

Event Bubbling : Events from child element bubble to the parent element

element.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
}, {capture : true});

Event Capture : The opposite of event bubbling

e.stopPropagation() : Prevent event from prorogating further

Events can be removed using removeEventListener()
Anonymous functions cannot be used as 2nd parameter when using this property

Event Delegation : Capturing event on a child element from the parent using the target property