Table of Content

Miscellaneous Points

All commands in PS use the naming convention - Verb-Noun
e.g. Get-Process, Get-ChildItem

View PS version: $PSVersionTable

The -WhatIf flag can be used with cmdlets to see what the command would have done


$name = "John Doe"
Write-Output "Hello $name!!"

Modules & Commands

PowerShell imports Modules automatically if we try to use a command that is present in a module installed on the system

# List Loaded Modules
# List Commands provided by Module
Get-Module -Module <module-name>
# List the Nouns from the Command name
Get-Command -Module <module-name> | Select-Object -Unique Noun
# List all Commands with a Noun
Get-Command -Noun <noun>
# List Installed Modules

Help Cmdlet

# Update Help
# List Documentation about a Command
Get-Help -Name Get-ChildItem [-Examples | -Full | -Online]