If we add a string in a function using triple quotes (Docstring) then we can access this string by calling function_name.__doc__
Anonymous Functions (Lambda Function)
An lambda function is similar to a normal function except it is confined to one line and does not have a name
# Lambda can be assigned to a variable as well but it shouldn't be used
new_sum = lambda x,y: x + y
new_sum(1, 3)
Arguments (*args) & Keyword Arguments (**kwargs)
If we need to pass a varying amount of arguments to a function then instead of creating a function for each of them we can make use of *args
and **kwargs
def my_addition_function(*args):
return sum(args)
def my_fruit_function(**kwargs):
if 'fruit' in kwargs:
print(f"My favorite fruit is {kwargs['fruit']}")
print("I don't like fruit")
my_addition_function(40,60,20) # 60
my_fruit_function(fruit='pineapple') # My favorite fruit is pineapple
Lambda Functions with Practical Examples in Python | by Susan Maina