- Python supports all the four types of inheritance : Single, Multiple, Hierarchical and Multilevel
- If during multiple inheritance there are two classes that have the same method then from method from the class that is inherited first by the child will only be available
- Private attributes from the parent class cannot be accessed in the child class
- When an method in the parent class is redefined in the child class it is called as Method Overriding
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
def print_name(self):
print(f"Person Name : {self.name}")
class Professor(Person):
def isProfessor(self):
return f"{self.name} is a Professor"
def print_name(self):
print(f"Professor Name : {self.name}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
sir = Professor("John", 30)
Accessing Base Class Constructor/ Methods
The constructor/ methods of the parent class can be accessed using the super()
class Vechicle:
def __init__(self, registeration_number) -> None:
self.registeration_number = registeration_number
print("Inside Vechicle Constructor")
def vechile_type(self, company):
print(f"Vechile type : {company}")
class Car(Vechicle):
def __init__(self, registeration_number) -> None:
print("Inside Car Constructor")
def new_car_type(self, species, color):
print(f"Color : {color}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
c1 = Car("ABC123")
c1.new_car_type("Audi", "Black")
When super() of an method/ property is called Python looks up the Class MRO (Method Resolution Order) and calls the method/ property that is next in the list
Helpful in understanding the order in which the method/ property will be called when using multiple inheritance
Inheritance in Python with Types and Examples - Python Geeks