Workflow Structure

All actions are repositories that contain logic that can be used to perform a task
Each job created its own virtual environment (runner) and is executed in parallel by default
GitHub supports Ubuntu, Windows and MacOS based systems

The ${{ }} syntax is used by YAML to reference other values
Secrets to be used in the Workflow have to be configured in the repo secrets page


name: Java CI with Gradle

Name of the Action (will show up in the Actions Tab)
This is an optional field

	AZURE_WEBAPP_NAME: 'sunshine-migrate'

The env section is used to defined environment variables that are assessable throughout the workflow

    branches: [ master ]
	branches: [ master ]

The on section is used to define the Events on which the Workflow will be triggered
Events that trigger workflows - GitHub Docs

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
	- uses: actions/checkout@v2

In above snippet build is the name of the job
Jobs are a sequence of tasks that need to be executed together
A workflow can contain more than one Job
An Job can be used to call another Action, run commands or perform setup operations

* name: Checkout Code
  uses: actions/checkout@v2
    branch: master

It is used to select an Action
The official actions are all assessable at actions/
with is used to specify the configurable values of a action

* name: Change Permission of Gradle
  run: |
    chmod +w gradlew
    cd ..

The run command is used to execute a command on the system building the code
In YAML | is used to denote multiline statements

runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
  os: [ubuntu-latest, windows-lastest, macOS-latest]

The strategy syntax can be used to build and test the application against multiple operating systems