Change Management

Organizations orchestrated strategies to transform from their existing state to a more desirable future state

Change Advisory Board (CAB)

Representatives from various parts of an organization that is responsible for the evaluation of any proposed changes

Change Owner

An individual or a team that initiates the change request


A person who has a vested interest in the proposed change

Impact Analysis

It is a process that involves understanding the change’s potential fallout

Change Management Process


Involves assessing the current state and recognizing the need for transition
Gather necessary resources, Engage stakeholders, Ensure preparedness

Vision for Change

A clear, compelling description of the desired future state that is guiding the transformation process within an organization
Define the future state, Explain reasons for change, and Ensure a vivid vision


Putting the plan into action
Training, Restructuring teams, Introducing new technologies, Continuous communication


Measuring the change’s effectiveness by comparing it to the initial objectives
Surveys, Performance metrics analysis, Stakeholder interviews


Creating a thorough record of the entire change process
Version Control, Updating Documents & Diagrams