
Framework for implementing security measures, ensuring that all aspects of an organization’s security posture are addressed

Password Standards

Dictate the complexity and management of passwords

Access Control Standards

Determines who has access to what resources within an organization

Discretionary Access Control (DAC): Owner decides who can access the data
Mandatory Access Control (MAC): Uses labels and classifications
Role-based Access Control (RBAC): Assign access based on roles
Access Control Models

Physical Security Standards

Cover the physical measures taken to protect an organization’s assets and information Physical Security

Encryption Standards

Ensures that data intercepted or accessed without authorization remains unreadable and secure


Systematic sequences of actions or steps taken to achieve a specific outcome

Change Management

Systematic approach to deal with changes within an organization

Onboarding Procedures

The process of integrating new employees into the organization

Offboarding Procedures

The process of managing the transition when an employee leaves


Checklist of actions to perform to detect and respond to a specific type of incident