The commands that can be executed from PS are not all cmdlets
Some of the commands are executes that are present on the system

The results from cmdlets is always going to be returned as objects
PS objects like objects in other languages they have Properties and Methods Commands that are not cmdlets will return its result as a string

The Get-Member gives us details about an objects attributes

Get-Service Spooler | Get-Member

Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name,@{name="ProcId";Expression={$_.Id}}

$_: Current Object
@{}: Create a Hash Table

In place of $_ we can also use $PSItem

If the object that is received as input contains a property called “Id” it will automatically get mapped to the -Id property

If the object that is receives as input contains a property of type System.Diagnostics.Process[] it will automatically get mapped to the -InputObject property