Archive Files
tar -cvf archive_name.tar input-file # Archive Files
tar -xvf archive_name.tar # Extract Files
tar -tvf archive_name.tar # List Content of Archive
Compress/ Decompress Files
gzip filename # Compress File
gzip -d file_name.gz # Decompress File
gunzip file-name.gz
Zip files can decompressed using the unzip
For using “bzip2” replace gzip with bzip2 and change extension to .bz2 in the above commands
Archive and Compress Files
tar -zcvf archive_name.tar.gz input-file # Compress Archive
tar -zxvf archive_name.tar.gz # Uncompressing Archive
tar -ztvf archive_name.tar # List Content
gzip cannot compress directories
Archives are used to convert directories into an single file
Gzip internally uses the LZ777 and Huffman Coding (Deflate) to compress files