from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
import time
import datetime
def add_timestamp():
	ts = time.time()
	timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
	return timestamp
# After creating a function it needs to be registered as a UDF to be used in Spark
add_timestamp_udf = udf(add_timestamp, StringType())
fileStreamWithTS = fileStreamDF.withColumn("timestamp", add_timestamp_udf())
trimmedDF ="borough", "major_category", "value", "timestamp")
query = trimmedDF.writeStream.outputMode('append').format('console').option("truncate", "false").option("numRows", 40).start()


UDFs are not optimized by Spark they should only be used when absolutely necessary

PySpark UDF (User Defined Function) - Spark By {Examples}